Lyra North

Basic Information

Name: Lyra North
Birthplace: Gridania
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'6" (~167cm)
Weight: 135lb (~61kg)
Orientation: Bisexual
Handedness: Left
Vision: Farsighted
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Lyra was born to a poor single mother in Gridania. As a young girl she fell in with a local crime syndicate called the Scarlet Eagles. Their boss served as her mentor and father-figure. Over the years she advanced in the group's ranks quite quickly. She was involved in many areas of the group's activities such as burglary, attacking caravans, and collecting debts, but was particularly skilled at drug running.After a betrayal, the Eagles' boss was captured and executed by the Order of the Twin Adder. Lyra took over the group in the aftermath and has led it through not only a recovery from the betrayal and loss of its leader, but a period of rapid growth of operations. When not working, Lyra has an active nightlife and can be found in venues all over the star.


I'm a long time roleplayer, but not particularly experienced in Final Fantasy XIV. I've done some basic reading about things to make the character that I think fits the world but will likely still have things to learn.I'll RP on Discord if time is an issue, but would prefer to get used to RPing in-game. I'm on the Balmung server.


Lyra is smug, profit motivated, and quite street smart. While she lacks book smarts, she knows how to get by in what she believes to be an awful world.Ever the troublemaker, Lyra enjoys both making mischief and watching that made by others. When her guard is down, she'll also generally wear her emotions on her sleeve. She's likely to get under the skin of more stoic or serious individuals.Though confident in herself, she also knows she's not the biggest or strongest individual. She'll often rely on wits, strategy, and deception to get what she wants rather than just brute force.Having grown up poor, she is obsessed with accruing wealth. She thinks that by growing richer and more powerful, she can better stand up to her hated enemies, the Order of the Twin Adder.She's quite determined to look 'tough' in public, despite being a fair bit softer than she might let on.Her passions are archery and astrology, with her archery being used for 'work' regularly.


Lyra's always thrilled to work, for the right price. Drug running and theft are her bread and butter, but she'll do other stuff too if it's worth her time.
What Lyra tends to need from others, is information she can use for her 'work.' Valuable targets, ways she can hurt the Twin Adders, or places to find good paying work are examples of information she might need.
Lyra enjoys a night out on the town! She can often be found at Gridanian bars in the evening, doing card readings. Her group even runs a small bar where she can sometimes be found. She can be found in other cities, when work brings her there.